◼ Emergency Sleeping Bags For Adults And Children: Emergency survival sleeping bags are made for camping, hiking, and other outdoor activities research. Waterproof camping thermal sleeping bags are for emergency warmth for blizzards, rain, extreme cold
◼ Full Body Protection: Sized at 84"x 36", each emergency camping thermal sleeping bag provides warmth even without a survival tent. Can act as a bivy blanket or sleeping bag bivy. Mylar sleeping bags for adults or children, big enough for all sizes.
◼ Ultralight Bivy Sack: These mylar emergency sleeping bags are made of mylar foil. Strong enough to be a blizzard survival bag, but ultra-light enough to be an emergency survival blanket. Each comes with a bivy sack for go-time storage gear tact.
◼ Winter Emergency Supplies: These are bug-out bag essentials as well as bug-out disaster preparedness supplies. Insulated survival blankets were originally great defense as bulk sleeping bags for the homeless. Helps as a survival sleeping bag in extreme cold weather
◼ Quality Guarantee: Bivy sacks can be bought with confidence. Life bivy emergency sleeping bag thermal bivvy can be used as a foil sleeping bag even without mylar tent survival sacks. Bug-out bag items don't come more essential than bivvy sleeping bag